- Error
- Error cargando Módulo MySQL server has gone away SQL=SELECT m.id, m.title, m.module, m.position, m.content, m.showtitle, m.params, mm.menuid
FROM s4it0_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN s4it0_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid = m.id
LEFT JOIN s4it0_extensions AS e ON e.element = m.module AND e.client_id = m.client_id
WHERE m.published = 1 AND e.enabled = 1 AND (m.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_up <= '2025-03-02 23:26:45') AND (m.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_down >= '2025-03-02 23:26:45') AND m.access IN (1,1) AND m.client_id = 0 AND (mm.menuid = 107 OR mm.menuid <= 0)
ORDER BY m.position, m.ordering